Thursday, October 14, 2010

God in America - Part 3

Last night was the final two hours of the PBS special God in America.

In Part 3 of God in America the dance of politics and religion in America continues with the fight against "Godless Communism" in the 1950's and '60's and abortion in the 1970's and '80's. The church's focus shifts from spreading the Gospel to political activism. Hot-button issues are used to mobilize christians as single-issue-voters.

But at the beginning of the 21st Century we are starting to see a new view of politics and religion, one in which all religions are respected and political action is guided by the "Golden Rule" rather than by hot-button issues.

The challenge to religious liberty continues, but if the church can regain its position as an agent of Christ's love and forgiveness, rather than an agent for political action, the Gospel's relevance will prevail.

You can find more info on the PBS God in America website. If you miss any of it you can watch it online or order a dvd copy.

Peace, Love, and Light!
Kevin (Cloud)

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